“San Giacomo in “San Giacomo in Fognano” (Mauro Staccioli 1985-2009), Fattoria di Fognano, Volterra (PI), Toscana, Italia – Credit: Enrico Caracciolo

Who I am

After many years, many kilometers, thousands of people portraited in every situation all around the world, I don’t feel any weaker my desire and passion for travel. Actually, with these new toys today available, I would like to realize some projects put on hold few years ago and not yet realized, so far. I would like to go back to the way of traveling I was used to, when I only used local transportation as well as local dorms and accomodations. I would like to go back again in places where I was at the beginning of my career as travel photojournalist but with the technical knowledge of today as well as the equipment I use now. If you’re curious to know what’s in my bag, I work with two Sony cameras, A1 and A7IV with a vast array of lenses included two tilt and shift Canon lenses mounted with an adapter. I do like aerial photos and for this reason I also own a Mavic 3 Pro and an older Mavic 2 Pro as backup