26 Apr 2022

Luxembourg, a quick trip

I just returned from a quick trip to Luxembourg city. I had been in the small Grand Duchy of Luxembourg many many years ago but I couldn’t recall anything about. One of the world’s smallest countries, the ancient Saxon name of its capital city, Lucilinburhuc, Little Fortress, symbolized its strategic position as the Gibraltar of the north, astride a major military route linking Germanic and Frankish territories. 

I left with no expectations in mind but doing a good job for the private company that hired me. In the spare time, though, I had planned to take my time to visit a bit around. I found a small city where everything works smoothly, the public transportation is totally free, as for resident so for strangers, which is a great addition to the deal. Weather wise I found a decent blue sky and some warm light which I always love to have to spice my pictures up. It’s a pleasant place to spend some days to relax and stroll around, specially if weather cooperates. I hope you’ll like the small sample you’re going to see scrolling my page.